Calgary Living - Real Estate & Life Style with host Bryon Howard

Calgary Living: Real Estate and Lifestyle podcast with Lida Frydrychova and Bryon Howard

Episode Summary

Here is the new podcast on Calgary Living: Real Estate and Lifestyle with our guest this time Lida Frydrychova. Lida and Bryon share a common love for mountains and travel. Lida is a full-time working woman who is also an avid ice skater and mountain climber. She has climbed numerous mountains and often goes on climbs with her boyfriend Rob and friend Tommy. Both Lida and Bryon's passion for mountains and travel brings them together as they share a desire to explore new places and experience the beauty of nature. Overall, their shared interests have the potential to bring them together as they continue to pursue their passion for adventure and exploration.

Episode Notes

About Lida Frydrychova :

Although Lida is not a real estate expert, she enjoys living in Calgary and adventuring in the Canadian Rockies. Lida works for Suncor as a manager of Refined Products Accounting and likes to spend her free time in the mountains. She has also been volunteering for many years with the Alpine Club of Canada and more recently with the Lake Louise Hostel.


Calgary Real Estate by The Howard Team eXp REALTY 


​Bryon Howard - 403-589-0004

 Ben Archibald - 403-926-9087

 Shirley Wright - 403-589-0021 Calvin Currie - 587-971-4999 

Cole La Valley - 403-850-6610 

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Podcast - Calgary Living: Real Estate and Lifestyle with Host Bryon Howard

Episode Transcription

Hey folks welcome

to another edition of.


a show called.

Welcome to another edition of


Calgary we real estate

and lifestyle today I have

on Maya on the show

and very

pleased to have

a friend

leader Frederick koba

on the show welcome to the show


Thank you.

Hey I'm little we met just

before Christmas December

early December I think

are know it was after

Christmas I forget wind

it was a beautiful gorgeous

day at Rogers pass in British

Columbia we were back contrast skin.

Correct yeah.

The park

we I I think I'd I forget how



got myself along on that trip but I probably

I invite it myself along to some of the

some mutual friends and

we'd met for the first time.

And I was and

I was very impressed as this

a woman ahead and he

was charging up

of breaking trail

and it'll not really allowing

anyone else to do any work

with that describe you.


it sounds like my problem.


Have great scheme

that the actually

in terms of sky days.

Like I

tend to be.

You know like


I want to say he was one of my favorites

eat a backcountry ski days of ever.

Oh yeah it was the good

snow and know it's tracks so

yeah I dunno if

you are less than it.

Would listeners would appreciate that

because they think most of them done back and

catchy sky bet.

If they dont into

I recommend it.

Well and that's kind of the purpose of the

of his show a living in calgary we call it

real estate in lifestyle

and we met and I was very.



Well first off.

Like before I ever really met

you know you're just

like way ahead of me


on the sky track

and and


and I like to share the the

podcast with people you know.

Sort of.

You know you live in calgary and and that's

how we met and you enjoy all the things

about calgary and

and access to our mountains I

think is a big thing for you so again

wanted to have you on the show


Excited to have you here are



have some we have some similar

interest in the mountains that's for sure.


Let me start at a

real question to

serve a quick question what

we what most striking

to about living in calgary.

I I think you just

pretty much set it.

Mountain find the best

part into the only thing

that would make

called getting better if.

If they were closer

to Calgary

That's right if they're

like right next door

or she

can say.


I mean you you've

you've been to Calgary

for quite a long time and you

enjoy really the Canadian rockies.

You work at some core for a

manager of the refined products


and you're an accountant

I have to understand

and obviously spend a lot

lot of your time in the mail

since we had some fun discussions

around mountains and mountain travels and

accessing our outdoors

to like

of talked to a

little bit about that

and sort of my experience with you

know mountains and now to travel.

As you know versus years


and I was

also struck and impressed by

your your your your commitment

to the community

and the volunteer

work that you do

I think these days and.


Do a lot of work with lake Louise hostile

which I like to talk a little bit about

and have done

quite a bit of.

Work with alpine club of

Canada and I think as well

name mountaineering

scrambling club.

Giving to which is the club

the club day we met on.


You a.

How long have you been in calgary

and what brought you to gallery.

I have been here for

over twenty six years.

I arrived June six

nineteen ninety six

when I was fast seventeen

and my sister was here.

So she invited me to come on

would have been a come over

When I finished high school and

I have

been here ever since.


and where did you come from originally I

assume some mountainous European country.

From the Czech republic and mountainous

would be an overstatement it's more like

Haley country

but beautiful hills.


and where you are


up until you're a seventeen when

you came here kind of I guess for family

and oh with your

sister being here first was it a what brought

like her what brought you here did you

guys have a childhood experience in

the outdoors where your outdoor people.


If my pants I have always been you know

cross country skiing downhill skiing some.

Icy health you know.

There are different skiing experience all

these biking and hiking yeah my parents are


Into the outdoors


I was


the problem child.

I walked too soon I

climbed everything and

it was kind of a difficult

thing to keep me.

At home or in sight.

I can I can imagine

and and

so he came in ninety six you're you're

a you know really quite young they'd be

spending like could become her sister did

you enter school kind of right away were

you in the university

or what was your thing.

You're you're.

In calgary.

So I didn't speak English so I had to learn

English than than they did not recognize

my high school courses so

I had to take some of those.

Then I thirty the

university of calgary

I did that and then

I did my a CA.

Chartered accountant and yeah.

Ten years later I was done.

So we're talking to like two thousand and

six now that you're finally done screwing.


and then and then I am my

undergrad was in finance.

And so I decided to finance Muslim quiet

the place to be an especially in categories

so I switched to a calm things

that took a few

more courses and.

Yeah eventually

I finished my ca.



The saw an accountant actually and this is

got some of the stuff that we talked about

in the mountains.


Leader you were very that's

let's just jump way ahead.

To today


we had some short discussions

and conversation around

the mountain travel

I think that you have

hit at least.

Actually you're pretty

close to finishing


the eleven thousand

footers of the Canadian record

rockies I think you might have like a fifteen

left which means you've done somewhere

around forty maybe thirty five

is that correct.

Yeah I forget to count

they I have over forty


yeah if I.

If I finished damages

slow progress many you have too

many other interests and too many other


on your list.

Know if I finish damage will be

at yeah it would be probably the

My understanding is

the spirit remaining

To finish them so we'll see

I will try.

And for listeners can you

describe with that objective is.

I'll just I'll say it it's.

You know completing.


all I I guess fifty eight.

Of the eleventh thousand voters in of

the Canadian rockies what does that mean.

Yeah so they're actually

fifty four the ones.

Or eleven thousand feet but

then you book includes that

near eleven thousand years.

Or so.


the mountain

in the Canadian rockies

over eleven thousand.


Cool and and


to what is maybe.

Three or four that most

most calgarians are all Burton's

might know the names of.

The what which


Probably the most people

would know my throb spinner.

Being the highest modern so.

Long Robson

a lot of people they'll know my temple of

that's like the first time many people will


and you know mom with the tabasco

you drive by it on the icefields parkway

another one and there are

many of them in that area.

So yeah many notable mountains people

see as the drive through the rockies.

Very cool.


and then

tell US to

talk to those are still

about your some of your

current projects and your you know you're

obviously have a full-time career working

and but you're

kind of a.

mountain athlete or you are

definitely a mountain athlete

then do.

You know.

Your your your I think he just

returned from a rock climbing trip.

In Arizona

where you're

kind of gear bring up in preparing

for some big objectives in the next


Coming months

talked to US about that.

I have many many

activities too many

I need that job

that's less busy.

And yeah from you know rock climbing to

sport climbing trad climbing alpine climbing

mountaineering I'm high

altitude mountaineering

and they've been

traced long hair so.

Lots of back and cheese skiing and

cross country skiing and ice climbing is

you know one of the best places

to live here if you like ice climbing.

It's at it's a dangerous sport

that'd be have a lot of ice around.

You know not too far

from calgary including

the goes which is always an

adventure going into the ghost.

Reservoirs though.

Yeah lots of

activities to do here


I go I brought a lot

especially aaa.

Since I am originally

from Europe

I've spent a lot

of time in the alps


It's one of them

you know more recent objectives they

did as soon as we were able to travel.

So last year I went

and climb the eiger

I climb that free day.

Over the three days

big cat traverse of the eiger

and it's called agony integral.

So that was that big one


Did a very big tourist sixty traverse over

the months heroes that range called this

spaghetti tiller.

And then yeah

lots of previous

trips to the alps

climb matterhorn in one blanc tours

which was a five day Teresa mont blanc.

And then you know other once

more close to heal here denali.

Twenty seventeen the highest

month and you're not from.

Well that's in the South America

I'll put.

Always very famous mountain in most

beautiful mountain in the world they say.

It's located in Peru.

Close the six thousand meters.

And around here one of

the big one month old alberta.

Climbed at in twenty to twenty one again

that a mountain debts on the ice wilkes

parkway lots of

people drive by it.


Lots of lots of mountains

it there

you can.

Keep going nonstop

and now.

Now trump the

transferring a little bit more

to rock climbing as I

often do in the spring.

Going to do a big trip to sardinia

which is an island of the coast of Italy.


need to be read for death.


and that was

in some of your preparation in Phoenix

I think what's your mix was it recently.

Was a drink

I guess hold your rock climbing.


in sardinia for sardinia.

And the is there some of this particular

projects and sardinia that you'd like to do

or or anything like.

Strong goals and I know that you're

climbing strong with a partner or another

another woman.

Tell US a little bit about that partnership

and maybe some of your goals that you

have a row that the next

coming months.

Yeah I have felt looked

up numerous the boots.

Sardinia is very.

Heavily populated with claims

that have three thousand recruits.

So it's very difficult to

choose what your objective is.

By but that yeah villa

will find will end and

and yeah I climb lots with my my boyfriend

Rob but also with my friend Tommy.

Who is

newer but.

Learning very fast.



And so with all that

interested in the.

As a as.


got the older I

says are

like truth is an interest

in this as I as I become a

your life for me was like very very busy

with young kids and all career and all that

sort of thing

and then

and then as a


I got like older I

started to figure out.

What I liked to do in the

mountains are in the outdoors


and at this point do

it and and I start to.

Understand my own limitations

and my style my personality


adventures and

how I organize them or don't



so that's what as a sort

of really impressed by you

that they'd I'd like to

dig into a little bit on that

and then get back into a

little bit more about I'm like well

real I think that all this lifestyle

that we're talking about right now.

Also relates


the this whole

podcasts and real estate.

Can you tell me a little

bit about what you're

in terms of all the

activities you do and

just to sort of recap there's

like there's

there's traverses

there is a

peak begging mountaineering


like rock climbing

and there's ice climbing

these things are completely different things

all in the outdoors and involving some

sort of.

Terrain that goes up.

Can you talk just a little bit about

that it's kind of unusual I think that

somebody does so much at

when you know.

The at such a high level

and and.

Talk this little bit of that.

You have to be

organized and that's that.

My number one as skill or even

my boss jokes about it.

And that I keep him organized than before

he has time to even show me a spreadsheet

I'm already in it than

fixing it up but

Yeah so very organized

my job is very busy

and depending land the role I

have been you know working

you know close to

fifty hours a week so.

Need to be very organized

spreadsheets keep keep an organized

I use those for all of my trips

to make sure that especially if you have a

high altitude trip you really need to make

sure that that clements

hazy she goes well

so spreadsheet works

great for trip planning.

And making sure you

get all the gear because

there is a lot of gear

in the last there for.

You know mountaineering

and climbing trips.

So as if you use your gear

every weekend you get better at it.


So yeah

I I use all the tools some you

know Google sharing Google docs.

It's nice to have people

who are kind of fun to same.

On the same plan


Tommy who is that like climate

with a lot she's also research.


so lots of research.

In fourteen countries that is always

difficult minutes in a different language so

Google translator

becomes to your friends.

To make sure you

don't get into trouble

in the mountains.

Addressing and yeah

that's kind of stuff I

to like.

I I think like within the first few minutes

that we met you know when they finally

caught up to you know

close to you

and I.

Tried to have some

discussion around like.

You know the things you are doing

in the planning and I was like just


blown away by

you know some of the things

that you've accomplished

and you know I still dream of of doing

but what I find it but my own personality

style is

I you know I'm not an organizer

and and you and I

talked a little bit about that

in terms of

and then I mentioned that you

know I'm a willing participant

and and then you

know I think that

in some ways and

let's be honest here

you were

kind of like

will know you have to like


Are organized and you

talked about the spreadsheets.

Now and and

I think.

Like and then and

I was surprised.

In my life I

in my earlier days I own

an adventure travel company

was the sea kayaking a company

on the east coast of Canada.


And so

and so I had to be very org Denise

cause I guess I can do I really I was a

professional guide

and the sea kayaking.

And but

know I got out of that some was


More I just enjoy

doing my own trips


the personality style like

can you comment any on like your you know

obviously you're an analytical person by

your chosen profession

and very organized guys.


I'm forced into

my own profession

to be somewhat organized but

you know it's not my natural talent


To talk to I mean you've had a

whole life in the outdoors as of I

but I mean

I think that you're very organized and

analytical person and all in your approach

to trip planning and I mean imagine

decisions in the outdoors and you know

keep you healthy and

you know well and safe


Can you speak a little bit about

about that as well as the

typical kind of outdoor person.

I I would say that maybe even my personality

styles maybe a little more typical

and then I want to relate that a little

bit to all the volunteer work that you do.


Is that

okay that's a

it's a big question.




it drives the people you do

activities with right age so.

You know more people

some people like to

just wing it to you know


but let's see what happens to

I'm not totally comfortable with that.

You know that read your the your risk

I I like to be a bit more prepared and.

Make sure that to.

Who I go with and the objectives they do

that to I am you know not overestimating my


His that would

end up probably badly and.



The reducing your risk is is key

you learn over time you kind of

said that.

And but you know things can happen

this this month in so you you never know.

What's going to happen.

But yeah categories

of the great place to I

to get into it slowly you

know it's not like

you know when you

let's say I flew to denali

is people who have never

been on eBay big mountain and.

I can see am the struggle going

from Chicago to denali kind of.


Yeah we have a great gate environment around

here so you know not fire from my house

while I think I can cross

country ski out of my

front door at the moment.

It's a lot of snow allowed there

but you can go go

you know cross-country

skiing hiking mountain

biking is great I lived

on the west end of category.

Which was my primary goal

when I when I moved it has to be.

West of the city I need to be able to get

to kenmore within an hour or can I ask is

in that I need to

be able to bike.

From my house to to downtown.

So all of these thinks and then invest

bracket which has become you know even more


Best bragg creek has great.

Mountain biking

where I go you know.

Twice a week usually during

the week and then I can go

rock climbing.

Also not fired from there is the big new

rock climb the area has been developed.

Recently so.

It's about forty five

minutes from my house

oh nice I I I can go in

the evenings and the

cross country skiing right

into city shagun api and.

Confederation park

is by my house.

I can go there in about

ten fifteen minutes so.


Great place to to

work it up


in calgary.


In terms of the.

So let's get getting back into

like are real estate in calgary out

you've chosen your decisions.

To be in the west

part of the city.



Can you to talk

to his little bit

I think we had the

brief discussion.

About real estate

in in in in inner city

and the boom bust economy



you've been here for a long time

you've seen at least while I guess

probably a two major booms one in twenty

two thousand and six seven

and the other one in twenty

thirteen fourteen

and along with those

booms came bust.

Can you talk to

me a little bit about

the boom bust cycle

that you've experience

and maybe how it affects

you know you and your

your your friends or

your your your family.

Has a.


Any any thoughts on that boom-bust economy I mean you're in the oil and gas sector to

with suncor.

So yeah just tell

US a little bit about

boom bust economy

if our our city.

But I don't enjoy it

that's for sure it has

a huge impact on.

People and and you know I have.

My career I have had usually.

You know.

At between five and and ten people

reporting to me and you know when to.

Bus comes it's it's not

usually fun downtown.


The interesting parties is

you know with the younger people that have

been through many reorg which is

like the


Whatever you call it every company

has the new name for the new reorg.

Budget they they are kind of.

More used to it you know and

like people who are a bit older

day are definitely much more.

Effective than stressed out about it I

would say that the younger people where they

do they are not as tied to calgary

or have been through numerous.

Restructurings and

reorganise nations which.

Often are not

the another reorganize by the time

you have the next to the reorg so it's.

It's kind of

and and less reorg.


they're they're more

you know moral cave it they just

have been through centralization and


so many times and.

I would say I.

See their

a lot of people

are kind of getting.

I kind of used to it and.

Yeah it you just never know.

You just try your

best the time and.

Yeah if you need

to find a new job

you know usually you just wait another year

and the will be one in calgary so really


and Hubbard your own real

estate is experience I mean I

think it gone indicated into

hasn't been wonderful always.

Like me I bought my own personal reasons

one current living in two thousand and seven

at the very peak of the are

in July two thousand and seven.

Finally I mean it's been it's been

probably be dropped at least twelve

I dunno at least twenty they'll probably

at least thirty percent from the high that

are bought it in

and currently I would guess that it's

probably only about twenty percent

higher than the

price I paid for it

maybe even less actually

and two thousand and sub


and so at at the same time I bought

quite a few investment properties that.

Like a long time ago more

than fifteen years ago.

One of which is still

worthless then I pay first


so not everyone has a completely

successful story of realistic.

And I hear I

I I think in in in our world

in are we in our society.

You know you're a lot of people about

all the success they had in the real estate

and not much about the

lack of success or you know

and but to me it's

and and we heard the saying

location location location.

In my experience

in calgary especially.

It's more about timing

timing telling me.


On I'm a like that

in terms of you are

our life here in calgary.

And are your.

Choices and decisions

yeah I have tried different friends the

real estate investing can never thought that

was any any success and.

You know I also knew

that I cannot spend.


Doing fixer uppers

like that's for sure I can't

even fix anything around

my house because.

I honestly don't know what a lot of things

to the home depot or even called so trying

to find

things that home depot

is not my sixth sense.


yeah I knew we'd

always had to be

you know not not actually

owning property and bed.

Yeah I do fun stuff real

estate investing hadn't

haven't been great

like you say you

I agree with you to

timing is it's critical.

But at least they realized that I

don't want to own a big house


a lot of works though though I

I purchased a townhouse and.

You know not having family in kind of

getting I don't have family here nobody's

nearby my sister

is in kelowna so.

I wanted something that that allows me

to spend time outside in the mountains not.

Not to maintaining a house which

I had when I lived in Kensington.


many years seventeen

years though I I knew

I don't want to mow

grass on the weekends so

yeah I bought a townhouse then




worked out great.

My boyfriend and moved in and somehow he

got addicted to this townhouse lifestyle as


he does no one has.


Jumping again the


Your your volunteer

work curly a what

quite a bit with the lake Louise

hostile as well as alpine club Canada.

Can you tell US

about your work and.

Why you do what you do.

Well alpine club

that allow me to

find what's there to

do in the mountains so

that's where I started to you know

it's easy hikes and scrambles then.

Gradually just worked it

uptime feels like worked it up

a lot in the last few years.

So yeah that's very sturdy

metal of my friends to so if you're looking

to get into the mountains alpine club is a.

Great place to start.

And that calgary scrambling and

mountaineering club is another one.

You know slightly less

formal I would say so little bit.

You know might feel less

intimidating is what I hear.

I am on the board of the calgary

section of the alpine club then

a started a very

successful program

program called I am.

It's an alpine mentorship

program that allows people to

gradually learn and

become independent.

In the mountains says so it's like a

mentorship program the bag guide


So yeah that that has

been very successful.

Now I'm the vice chair so.

You know step back

from that program.

But still.

Still involved heavily I

joined the national section so.

How get a section is the local section that

organizes trips and events and areas and

a cc national which is the

umbrella over all the defections.

So of if my background time I joined

the finance committee that show.

Gives you insights into.

The finances of the club.

Has been interesting that's

that pretty new role for me.

But obviously I know many

people there that I have

done out your activities with.

And then.

Yeah and then also as

you as you mentioned.

The board of the likely is hostile

which is a entity on its own.


I'm still learning about

hospitality business

which is.

And then national park which is

very different and

specific to Canada.

It was very cool that's cool


long have been involved with the lake Louise

haas hostel for some reason I was little

bit surprised to learn that and.

Like what what

brought you to that.

You know that role I guess

that probably you use the halsall

a fair amount or.

Actually but maybe you do.


your that it it's

actually related to to

my alpine club

it's hardly owned

by a punch club.



So very very very similar.

A lot of things

in the mountains

down here interrelated.

Very good.

Awesome and so am.

I guess you know we were

in terms of our one time your time and a

listers time or maybe we should bring the

things to a close clip me

as a couple more questions.




This might be a bit of a

if that's let's throw this one

out a surprise question for you.


If you had a

billboard on your way

out to the mountains or maybe like

leaving calgary highway one Hetty west.

Or maybe it's coming

other way back in

what would the billboard say.


have fun I think.

Of a good okay

and then maybe a another.

Question another couple

of questions or question.

How old.

First of.

How if


it didn't ask of the audience.

You know

do you or do have

and asked the audience


and then and

and the

along that lines and.

If he wanted to reach out to you I

would provide some links possibly.

To maybe some of the things we talked about

open cup of Canada lake Louise and stuff.

A hostile


how how do how would

people best week joke to you.

And finally a title that in.

Other than the

profession you chosen.

With or another profession that you might

have chosen after all this all these years.

Cave about obvious the something in the

outdoors is that is what I would enjoy I


would prefer.

A job that less sitting

and more moving.

Though I

yeah that that would be the goal one day

on the other hand when I am very very tired

from a big climb I'm kind of locate

the roll around in this of this chair.

That's great.

So yeah I think it's a it's it's not

a bad balance I like to be at my


Goes kind of high speed

so having a job that's.

Engaging is important

for me so i'm.

That so it's it's kind of working

well it's just a times it's a bit busy

accountants I think

are always busy people.

And that

you know it goes through cycles though

you just have to know how to fit things in

between them and the

are just a little bit less busy.

And yeah for people in calgary I would say

enjoyed the fact you in calgary that are

not many cities that

have this.

Opportunity and

and you know I'd be.

You simply it'll be like relocated and

office from the greater Toronto area and.

I've heard

know several times that dead the the calgary

of better his bed is a misnomer has so.

I spend a lot of time

of eastern Canada.

People and then they

they complain about

the weather a lot so i'm

and my have

relocated people they say

it's sunny here come here.

That's great oh.

Yeah isn't that the

the weather might.

Might seem cold

but if you do outdoor

for its I I would say you.

You will not be bothered by it that much

and then my friends in the Czech republic

who have.

Not skied the entire winter.

No snow this year in Europe.

They're all

very jealous of the pictures.


or yeah.

Okay well thanks so much for

a be a guest in our show and

I will lose.


some of the show notes the end.

I look forward to.

Hopefully spending more time with you in

the mountains may be in march I think he has

some objectives some

back country ski days.

I might have to

invite myself along.


No problem yeah I'll see when it's

sunny and register past that will be there.


Thank you so much

enjoy your weekend

and we will keep in touch.

You today and.

Have a good day.

Thanks so much.